Our production and design team is passionate about ensuring your success, down to the last detail. Call us today to discuss how we can work with you to create a perfect print project (717) 721-4456.

Pre-Press Guidelines

File Requirements

  • Adobe PDF files (preferred)
  • Adobe InDesign
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • All fonts must be embedded for proper output.

Bleed Elements

Elements intended to bleed must extend at least .25” beyond the page size (described above) while maintaining the image area.

Color Builds

Simple color yields the brightest and most vibrant tones, complex color builds can present registration difficulties and unexpected color reproduction.

Color Space

All color must be composed of either CMYK and/or Grayscale. Other color spaces will require color conversation to the proper color space which can introduce unwanted color shifts and other potential situations on press. Spot color publications should use “Magenta” to signify colored elements.

Image/Live Area

Image/live area is defined as all live printable material including headers, footers, date lines, page numbers, advertising, shapes, editorial content, ect. Compact publications should contain .375” margins while Tabloid sized publications should contain .5” margins all sides to create the live area of a particular file. Image area must be honored within a bleed layout.

Colored Text

Text colors with 2 or more colors should be set at 12 pt. or greater

White Text

White text on a 2 or more color background should be set at 12 pt. or greater.

Page Size

Pages should be designed to match the trim size provided by Susquehanna Printing at 100%. If needed, templates will be provided. Contact your sales person.

Image Resolution

All image should be save as high resolution 200-300 DPI at 100%. Bitmap/monotone images (black and white only with no levels of gray, at 1200 DPI). Lower resolution images may reproduce unexpectedly with lower quality.

Ink Density

Total ink density (sum of all 4 colors in a particular area) should not exceed 240% to avoid unwanted offset or tracking off press.

Ready to submit your files?

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